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Our Loft 



Our white doves are of a variety also known as 'white homing pigeons'. In interesting fact: All pigeons are doves, but all doves are not pigeons. Homing pigeons are a selectively bred variety of 'rock doves' bred for stamina and homing ability. Properly trained birds can fly hundreds of miles!

They mate for life and utterly devote themselves to one another. Ardently courting, cooing, and kissing -- holding each other's beaks and bobbing  their heads together --  it's very easy to understand why they are the emblem of love. But more than that, they share the responsibility of raising their young: Taking turns on the nest and doting over their young ones, both parents feed them and hover over them protectively until they are old enough to try their own wings.


We divided our flock into 2 groups. "Lovey Dovey Flyers", and "Lovey Dovey Home Team."  The home team stays home and devotes themselves to raising our next flock "Lovey Dovey Flyers" which are already leaving the nest and trying out their wings.




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